
Our advisers work with each borrower to create a sensible and achievable business plan for their project. This process both refines and challenges whatever assumptions are driving their expected return. From the investment side, our clients are able to position part of their portfolio to target a stable and consistent quarterly income in a way which does not seek to chase excessive risk.  

If the business plan and/or underlying strategy is approved by our Investment Committee we create a formal investment opportunity and invite investment toward a set monetary goal.

We believe in ensuring that our investors have the protection of an underlying asset of some form wherever possible. This security may be property based, be grounded in intellectual property, be taken via a debenture over a company’s assets or perhaps secured against a known and documented invoice. 

Any security taken in this way is usually supported by a personal or company guarantee of any borrower as a prerequisite of funding. 

Our investors therefore have the peace of mind that each underlying borrower is suitably committed to making good on whatever terms are agreed at the outset.

Our investors have the assurance of knowing that a professionally managed credit process is protecting their investment and facilitating a successful outcome on their behalf.

As part of the credit process, Elsevier Investment Limited will usually seek to appoint a representitive as a consultant to assist and monitor the borrower for the duration of the project. This cost will be serviced by the borrower and will not impact on the return of our investors.  

Depending on the structure of the project, our representitive may carry protective capital access rights to ensure the agreed project is carried out in full accordance with the agreed strategy and within the agreed timescales.

The representive will also be charged with ensuring the accurate reporting to investors of updates on the project in a timely fashion.

Where a Private Funding Circle solution is not sought or appropriate, we are also able to assist in finding an effective and cost efficient credit solution in the high net worth marketplace. Accessing such credit, especially where there is a speculative element to the project, has become an infinitely more difficult task in today's environment than in bygone years.

Our in-house credit specialists and wider network of HNW credit brokers are able to use their experience, knowledge and skill on your behalf to source highly competitive terms, to structure as cost efficient a solution as can be found and, for the more complex credit cases, to construct a solid credit application and work with you to successfully achieve the financing you require. 

Our independent status allows us to source from the whole of the credit market and we are not tied to any one institution or indeed to any one particular panel. We are able to therefore select the most competitive solutions from whichever provider happens to be the most beneficial for your needs.

In addition to securing the credit your are seeking, we are also able to ensure the appropriate insurance protection is again sourced from all providers in the marketplace and selected simply for being the most suitable for your circumstances and desires. 

For more information or to discuss your credit needs please contact a Elsevier Investment Limited credit specialist at your convenience.

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Let's help you secure that loan

We've stayed true to these values in expanding our proposition into fund management and corporate finance as we strive to provide an optimally productive, integrated and comprehensive service.

Our Services

Elsevier Investment Limited is delighted to be the first loan management company to take an optimisation process, usually reserved for investment portfolios, and use this to construct our clients' corporate cash management portfolios.


Values & Principles

We're a performance driven investment company committed to providing a first class service whilst always adhering to our values and principles. We endeavour to deliver performance whilst displaying enthusiasm and industriousness across all of our activities and conducting ourselves at all times with poise, professionalism and purpose.

Safety tips

Elsevier Investment Limited is the investment company of choice for millions of UKs countrywide.

Industry Expertise

Our leadership team has more than 100 years of cumulative experience n finance and accounting, research and analytics, and global customer interaction service centers.

Combination of industry expertise

Elsevier Investment Limited offers right-skilled resources to meet the client’s specific risk management and regulatory compliance requirements.

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Dial Elsevier Investment Limited's 24/7 Emergency Claims line any time of the day or night and we will take care of the rest.